MRS Hinks, in a recent edition of the Bolton Evening News, asks if any reader can beat her postal delivery.

May I give you my experience. My record book was posted first-class by the Royal Bolton Hospital on Tuesday, September 8, meaning it should have been received by me on Wednesday, September 9. This book gave my dosage of wafarin for the following week, plus the date and time of my next appointment.

However, Wednesday came -- no book. Thursday and Friday likewise. So in the end I had to telephone the hospital, whereupon I was given the required information and discovered I had been taking the wrong dosage. My next appointment was for the following Tuesday, September 15, an appointment I would have missed had I not checked with the hospital. Wonder of wonders, at roughly 2.30pm on September 15, the book was duly delivered, so where does this experience slot into the table of Post Office efficiency deliveries?

Miss Dorothy Waters

Winifred Road
