CLLR Linda Thomas finds great satisfaction in blaming the Tories for the problems in the NHS, and not giving credit for the Labour Government's success.

I would like to question some of her claims in her flight of fancy.

1. Since 1999 the budget for Bolton has increased by £34m in the last eight years. Not that long ago Bolton had two hospitals, plus Hulton Lane (soon to be closed and sold off), Fall Birch, both for recuperative care, two maternity homes, and even an isolation hospital. What would have been the budget in today's terms if we still had all these? And also, how much of the figure she quotes goes to the PCT, Landmark House and locum GP services?

2. The A&E Department is the busiest in Greater Manchester.. YES, we didn't have people coming from Wigan, Leigh, Salford etc,. before, so how much of the £34m has to be used to finance that?

3. Am I right in thinking that the Coronary Care Unit was financed by local subscription and fund raising?

4. What is the point in providing a scanner without the funds to use it?

5. Her remark, "and there is more to come" says it all. We've been hearing that for the last eight years in every area of public concern. But, how many more years must we wait before it arrives, or the fantasy implodes?

It seems to me that the Labour poster showing flying pigs had the wrong faces on it.

Mrs R Riding

Armadale Road
