I would imagine the majority of Bolton residents are proud of our town's history and industrial heritage. But please can we stop dwelling in the past. We are five years into the 21st century, other towns and cities have moved on - but our town planners are locked into some form of 18th century time warp.

Chester and York attract coach loads of visitors with their Roman walls and artefacts. We are hardly likely to attract hoards of Far Eastern tourists armed with the knowledge that Samuel Crompton was born in Bolton and Arkwright had a workshop in Churchgate!

Regarding the Bolton Distinctiveness Study survey to be distributed shortly - I hope it is not too late to add these questions:

1. In order for you to put a face to our town planning team, would you like them to hold monthly "discussion surgeries" in the town centre? Answer YES or NO

2. Have you ever spotted your local councillor "walking the town", monitoring the condition of the streets, facilities and amenities? Answer YES or NO

3. If NO to question 2, do you think this should be made one of their regular duties? Answer YES or NO

4. Have you ever visited a town with a "Park and Ride" scheme, such as is in use at places like Chester, York or Shrewsbury? Answer Yes or No.

5. If YES to question 6, do you think Bolton would benefit from one? Answer YES or NO

6. Our planning team have enormous difficulty grasping why people prefer shopping at the Trafford Centre or the Middlebrook Retail Park rather than the town centre. Please explain in less than 20 words the reasons why.

David Jack

Crescent Ave

Over Hulton
