I COULD not believe it when I read in the Bolton Evening News that the civic leaders are asking us why we are proud of the town we live in.

They want to stop Bolton becoming yet another "clone town" and are anxious to preserve our unique heritage.

Was it not just a few weeks ago when the people of Bolton said a very definite "NO" to the Market Place development?

One of the things that made me proud of Bolton was the unique Market Hall, but did anyone in the civic leaders' chambers listen to the people of Bolton?

Call me cynical, but as far as I am concerned this is just a pure gimmick and the real purpose of this consultation is to find out just how far they can go in changing the face of Bolton to the benefit of additional income from business rates.

What an absolute joke, really I am so incensed!

The argument regarding the revamp of the Market Place was that there was not enough adequate town centre space to attract the brand leaders that the people of Bolton wanted. What a turnaround, eh?

Sorry, but it beggars belief! One minute we want them and the next we don't.

£40,000 is to be spent on this survey, well I, and I am sure many others, will tell you for nothing that what the town needs is:

l A good choice of shops in traditional surroundings.

l A safe place to shop.

l A clean and tidy place to shop.

l Free or reasonably priced parking facilities.

l A good modern transport network and a bunch of civic leaders who know their Ashburner Street from their elaborate silly gimmicks!

I will send the invoice for the £40K later!

John Turner

Greenfield Close
