RECENT reports of the on-going funding crisis at the Royal Bolton Hospital and the concerns of medical staff articulated by excellent consultants such as Tony Banks cannot be ignored.

I do not accept that the measures proposed by the board to balance the budget by closing wards, reducing the number of beds and cutting staff are acceptable to the tax-paying public of Bolton, who after all do fund the NHS.

It is clear that a public debate is needed if the situation is to be reversed.

To this end, the council, as the voice of the people of Bolton, should invite the chairman and members of the board to a meeting as a matter of urgency.

There, the board should be invited to set out the true position and answer the key questions as to why this crisis exists.

Jointly, then, the trust board and the council must demand that the government acts to fund Bolton fairly and equitably, as it is clear that the board alone has failed to do this.

I believe that, unless this is done, Boltons poor health standards will only decline even more.

Cllr John Walsh OBE

Astley Bridge Ward