HI-TECH equipment, including surveillance cameras and tracking technology, is being used by police to catch burglars thanks to a £2million cash boost.

The money has been allocated from the Home Office Securing Homes programme to 16 forces across the country, including Greater Manchester Police.

GMP’s funding will be used to aid work being carried out as part of Operation Storm, which is targeting burglars across the area.

Assistant Chief Constable Terry Sweeney said: “Through a series of hard-hitting enforcement initiatives over the last 10 months we have arrested more than 2,200 offenders for burglary, robbery and theft.

“We worked hard to make 2009 a thoroughly miserable year for burglars and this year are continuing to target them.

“They and the law-abiding people of our region can be assured that this level of activity will be maintained in the coming months leaving criminals with two choices — to go straight or go straight to prison.”