THE great granddaughter of one of Bolton’s most famous sons saw how his legacy has been taken forward when she visited Bolton School.

The Hon Jane Heber-Percy, a descendant of Lord Leverhulme, attended the foundation stone laying ceremony at the site of the new £5 million junior girls’ school.

It was Lord Leverhulme’s vision and endowment in 1915 that brought Bolton High School for Girls and Bolton Grammar School for Boys together to form Bolton School.

The new school building will be named Hesketh House in tribute to the former soap company magnate, whose full name was William Hesketh Lever.

Mrs Heber-Percy, who is also a emeritius governor at the school, said: “It is a huge honour to be involved with the event and see how work is progressing on the new school.

“Already it is clear that the new building will be a great investment in education for future generations and a fitting legacy for my great grandfather.”

The new building is part of an £18 million development of the school.

The junior school will be built on the site of the old infants school, which has moved to premises in Dobson Road.

The existing boys’ division junior school has been extended and refurbished.

Gill Richards, head of the girls’ division at Bolton School, said: “The building of this new, state-of-the-art school will give pupils even better facilities and represents a major investment in the lives of young girls across the region.

“We will educate about 200 girls from seven to 11 years of age.

“The current junior school is situated within the senior school, so the move will help to give the school its own separate identity, whilst freeing up more classroom space and allowing us to expand our curriculum provision.”

Emma Duper, aged 11, head prefect at the junior school, said: “It is very exciting to watch the new school being built and I know that girls are going to love it in future years.”
