WHEN Germans began tearing down the Berlin Wall 20 years ago yesterday Eddie and Eileen Hart were determined to be part of history.

Mr Hart had spent part of his army National Service in Germany and had visited the divided city on the west side while on leave.

“I said to my wife that if it ever came down, we would go,” he said.

So, after watching on television the momentous actions of people who began tearing the wall down, the Adlington couple caught the first flight to Berlin.

Mr Hart said: “All the buildings on the east side were full of shell holes and armed border guards were looking out to the west. It was a very tense time.”

Arriving in Berlin, the Harts had just a few hours before their flight back home and went straight to the Checkpoint Charlie border crossing where they joined a queue of Westerners walking through to East Berlin for the first time.

“There was a terrific atmosphere. Everyone was so excited about the wall coming down,” said Mr Hart.

After being searched the couple were allowed through to the East side.

“It was like stepping into a different world,” he said.

After two hours the Harts headed back to West Berlin and, determined to take home a souvenir of their trip, helped hammer out chunks of the wall. But their efforts led to a security alert at the airport when metal reinforcing set into the two 12 ins concrete blocks set off detectors.

The couple were searched before being allowed to board the aeroplane with their souvenirs.

“It was a fantastic journey 20 years ago. We went back three years later and there were lots of changes,” said Mr Hart.