A SCHOOL rolled back the years to mark its centenary.

Children at Church Road Primary in Smithills stepped back 100 years to experience life in a strict Edwardian school.

Staff and pupils wore traditional dress while lessons were conducted in the disciplined fashion of the day.

With the help of Bolton Museum, a room was transformed into an Edwardian classroom complete with a blackboard instead of an interactive whiteboard. And exercise books were replaced with slates.

Examples of period furniture and artefacts loaned by the museum were on display — including a dunce’s cap — to help children understand more about the past.

History came to life with demonstrations of playground games and country dancing from the turn of the last century. In keeping with the character of the era, assembly signalled the start of school day, which included a Bible reading and the singing of a hymn, as well as God Save The King.

Headteacher Catherine Fenton said: “The way I was dressed showed that I was not to be argued with and the children came into assembly in silence. I gave a Bible reading which I don’t usually do.

“It was a fabulous day, nearly all the children came in Edwardian dress and looked great.