A NEW office extension to cope with increased workload has been opened by a Bolton roofing and scaffolding company.

JDK Roofing and Scaffolding Ltd, based at Summerfield Road, Bolton, has built a two storey office extension.

Boss Jon Kilroy invited the recently retired company book-keeper Dorothy Howarth to cut the ribbon and declare the new building open.

Mr Kilroy has seen turnover rise from £285,000 to £2.4 million in eight years. The company — which employs more than 30 workers — often sends its scaffolding and roofing teams to work on large projects in homes and estates in Wigan and Leigh, and for Six Town Housing in Bury. It also takes on small domestic jobs.

The company is family run, with Mr Kilroy as manager and his wife Beverley as company secretary. His stepson, Daniel Halliwell, also works for the firm.