ALL authors hope to write lifelike characters — but what if yours was a little too realistic . . . and had murderous intentions?

That’s the premise of Out Of Sight, Out Of Murder, the next production at Tyldesley Little Theatre.

Ian Taylor plays the author, eager for a bestseller but confronted by, among others, a traditional butler (Garth Waddup), a sinister solicitor (Ken Berry) and a sweet ingénue (Joyce Elder).

Newcomer Alex Clarke shines as an overly enthusiastic romantic lead while other sparkling characters are played by award winning or nominated TLT performers Margaret Speakes, Ingrid Folkard-Evans, Roma Etherington and Karen Ward.

Director Kaye Taylor has proved adept at comedy in the past, acting as assistant director on the well-received northern comedy Beside the Seaside and taking full charge of last season’s one act play Thermal Underwear.

The show runs from May 12 to 16. Tickets are available by ringing 01204 655619 or 01942 886908.