REGARDING the letters sent in by J D O’Connor, “Harry’s language was not racist”, and D J Hunt, “No complaints about Jock, Paddy and Taffy”, both printed on Saturday, January 24.

I would like to challenge them to do something.

These men should go up to someone Asian in the street, preferably someone burly, and say to them they are a “Paki”. They should say that and then stand there and smile.

No? Too risky? Too insensitive?

The term “Paki” is not merely a word or an abbreviation.

It cannot be regarded on the same level as Brit, Jock or Taff.

The term “Paki” has historical baggage and its use over the years to denigrate and insult Asians has branded it as racist.

Wog has fairly tame origins too.

It actually means Westernised Oriental Gentleman.

Like the term “Paki”, its use as a term to offend has relegated it to a form of inappropriate use.

To educate readers on simple and patronising etymology, the two writers of the letters wish to justify and defend an idiot prince’s stupid comments.

Whether it was yesterday or three years ago, the comments were wrong.

It magnifies and exposes the deep racism that exists in all levels of society.

Unfortunately, we see this racism from ungrateful royalty to everyday streetlife.

And, yet again, people have been made to choose by D J Hunt.

In his letter he says: “If they don’t like what they hear, they have a choice.”

Thanks, but no thanks.

I think I will risk being burned at the stake and stay in this country.

My Northern ties from birth are too strong.

Mr M Ibrahim, Westcliffe Road, Sharples