A LIFELONG Bolton Wanderers fan has raised thousands of pounds for charity by daring to sport a red mohican with the message “I love Man U” scrawled onto his bare scalp.

Lawyer John Bradshaw wisely added the words “but BWFC more” in tribute to his favourite team — and managed to raise £9,000.

The proceeds of his exploits will go to a charity close to his heart, East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH).

Mr Bradshaw’s daughter, Astrid Ella, died in January, 2007, after being born with the Edwards Syndrome chromosome disorder in November 2006. She was cared for by the East Anglian hospices.

Children with the condition usually have a small head with characteristic facial features and hand problems. It can affect all their organs, including malformations of the heart, kidneys and the brain.

Mr Bradshaw now lives in Norwich but his family still lives in Bolton.

He decided to raise funds for the children’s hospices and combine this with celebrating the birth of his son, Francis Sione Alan, in October.

He said: “To celebrate Francis’ birth and in memory of Astrid, we wanted to raise funds to help hospices support to families in need of help.

“When we found out that we were expecting Francis, I decided to not to have my haircut until he was born. Roswyn came up with the idea for the mohican style – but I’m not quite sure what my clients think about it.”

To support Mr Bradshaw or make a donation, email john.bradshaw@howespercival.com or visit justgiving.com/johnbradshaw1.