BOLTON School Old Girls’ Association spread some seasonal goodwill by raising more than £1,000 for charity.

The association held a Christmas market in the school’s arts centre, with help from a town crier.

Stalls displayed jewellery, cosmetics, preserves, handbags, chocolates, seasonal floral arrangements, cakes, framed photos, cheese and wines.

Bob Grundy, the appointed Town Crier at Bury Market, was also there to help with proceedings.

Association director Carol Haslam said: “I was delighted the success of the evening. It was very busy with lots of interesting stalls.”

The money raised on the night, through ticket sales and a raffle, was split between Bolton Kidz 2gether, a charity for children with autism, and Leukaemia Research.

Pictured rom left: Association chairwoman Jean Howarth, organiser Dawn Leonard, Town Crier Bob Grundy and headmistress Gill Richards.