A FORMER speedway champion is trying to trace the history of a classic motorbike which originates from Bolton.

Ken Eyre, who was a member of the former all-conquering Manchester Belle Vue Aces team, bought a 1938 International Norton Model 30 motorcycle from his cousin for £1,500.

Mr Eyre was given the bike in pieces, packed up in three boxes and two carrier bags, but now the motorsport enthusiast, aged 62, has restored the bike to its former glory.

The only thing missing before it can hit the road is an authentic pre-war registration plate.

If Mr Eyre re-registered the bike, it would have to have a modern number plate, which would spoil the authentic look of the machine.

There was no paperwork with the bike, but Norton’s records show that it was made in 1937 and dispatched to Kays of Bolton on December 18, 1937.

The bike was then sold to an A Brown of Verdure Avenue, Markland Hill.

Mr Eyre, from Macclesfield, is trying to track down the Brown family or anyone who knows Kays of Bolton to see if he can trace the original registration number.

He said: “I’ve put an awful lot of work into it, and it would be a shame not to see the bike completed authentically.”

If you can help, call Julian Thorpe on 01204 537311.