LOCK-PICKING thieves in Australia are proving very lucrative for a security firm that has patented a new protection fluid.

UAP, a hardware manufacturer in Bank Street, Walshaw, has developed a revolutionary oil-based lubricant that prevents the growing crime of lock bumping.

Lock bumping is particularly prevalent in Australia, Canada and the USA, and thieves are able to obtain bumping keys easily from the internet.

Bump put the false key into the lock and hit it with something, making the pins and springs jump out of place and opening the lock.

Pickbuster, which was only patented 12 months ago, coats the springs and pins, acting as an energy absorber and foiling the efforts of lock bumpers.

Chris Pankhurst, co-creator of the lubricant, said: “I developed Pickbuster to provide an easy-to-use, effective solution to lock bumping, and I am glad that we are giving people the chance to protect their homes and businesses.”

UAP has won a major contract from Goldnet Securities, Western Australia, to supply Pickbuster and also with Unitek Consulting Inc in Canada. It is in talks with firms in the USA and India, where lock bumping is on the increase.

For more information on the lock bumping and the Pickbuster product, visit www.pickbuster.co.uk