A church in Bolton has been awarded "Bronze Eco Status" after children urged its congregation to take climate action.

St Andrew's Methodist Church in Tonge Moor received the award from charity A Rocha.

The change began in May 2022 when children leading a Sunday School Anniversary service urged the church to act on climate change.

Within a month, this led to the formation of the Eco Action Group, made up of both children and adults.

The group held short meetings, allowing younger voices to be heard, where they designed a logo and strapline and promoted a more corporate approach.

Their ideas fuelled weekly prayers, recycling talks, and more accessible disposal points for both congregations and hirers.

Tablet sachets were collected from the community and delivered to the nearest receiving point.

The Eco Action Group also planned a service in the Own Arrangement slot, combining the celebration of God with the message of stewardship.

Opening devotions at the church now always focus on an aspect of ecology.

The church has since been awarded a Bronze Eco status by the charity A Rocha.

This came after the church worked through a lifestyle questionnaire, making suggested modifications and coming up with ideas of their own, such as creating bird feeders from recycled plastic bottles, making flowers for Mother's Day from egg boxes and pipe cleaners, and creating Christmas cards from revamped old stock.

Each month, a list of eco tips is shared in the church magazine, and pop-up ideas are given during the notices.

The Zoom Bible study group discussed and promoted the connection of COP, resources from All We Can, and the film Thank You for the Rain from Christian Aid.

Everyone is encouraged to get involved, from making fruit into jam to toddlers watering the revitalised raised wall flowerbed and participating in a wildlife survey.

The church has cleaned up the local street, reduced weeds in the base of the wall using organic methods, and has been approached by Bolton Green Umbrella to see if they would like an allotment near the church as part of their community outreach.

The church has also linked up with other denominations committed to eco issues to have a collective voice to the local council.

Those using the building are advised, where possible, to follow the principles of LOAF—Shop Local, Organic, Animal Friendly, and Fairtrade.