Bolton Council is to add double yellow lines in three wards across the area to tackle problem parking.

The changes in Halliwell, Horwich North and Horwich South and Blackrod are up for approval today.

In Halliwell, the council is to add double yellow lines at the junction of Bertha Street and Louise Street and the junction of Bertha Street and Leybourne Street close to Halliwell Mills.

In Horwich North and Horwich South and Blackrod, the council is to add double yellow lines on a number of roads and in particular at the junctions of major roads and minor roads.

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Cllr David Grant, the leader of Horwich and Blackrod First, said the work in Horwich and Blackrod was around six years in the waiting after an approach by the residents of these towns.

It is thought the restrictions will improve road safety as tackling problem parking will improve sightlines for road users.

Cllr Grant said: "There were a number of accidents and the residents approached to ask if there is anything to be done. 

"Horwich North and Horwich South and Blackrod councillors worked together on this tranche of double yellow lines."

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The funding for the double yellow lines in Halliwell is from a developer but the funding for the double yellow lines in Horwich North and Horwich South and Blackrod is from the Area Forum which has a pot to spend on small-scale projects.

Today at another meeting at the town hall there is a motion to reduce the pot to spend on small-scale projects in favour of the pot to spend on support for pensioners but the leader of Horwich and Blackrod First said this should be resisted.

Cllr Grant said: "This shows the importance of the Area Forum money.

"It is why any attempt to reduce the Area Forum money is to be resisted."

The changes in Halliwell, Horwich North and Horwich South and Blackrod are up for approval by the council's cabinet member for transport Hamid Khurram today, Wednesday.

This article was written by Jack Tooth. To contact him, email or follow @JTRTooth on Twitter.