A Banksy-style piece of art has been spotted in Bolton town centre and it’s sparking rumours as to whether it could be the man himself.

The painting, which is outside where Marks and Spencer’s used to be on Deansgate, is believed to have been completed overnight.

Bolton’s very own Banksy super fan, Charlotte Williams, thinks it is “definitely” the work of the renowned artist.

She said: “To be honest it has blown out of my mind.

“I’m literally trolling Instagram because he only confirms on there whether it is his or not.”

(Image: NQ) Charlotte says she was alerted to the mural when she saw it on Facebook and quickly came into town to grab a snap of it.

She believes the props of a water container and wooden pallete next to the art are tell-tale signs it’s an authentic piece.

She added: “It’s definitely him, if not, it’s a very good copy.”

The piece in Bolton depicts a child wearing a life jacket paddling with an oar in his hands.

Banksy’s most recent confirmed art was done at London Zoo in August, and shows a Gorilla breaking out of a zoo and freeing animals.

Little is known about the mysterious artist although much of his work is aassociated with political causes.

“It’s just how mysterious he is, that is what I find so intriguing that he just comes out of nowshere,” Charlotte added.

When asked what she thought of the newly painted suspected Banksy, she added: “It’s fantastic, it’s very unusual, especially with the props around it.

“Honestly, my life has been made seeing that, it really has.”