“The customers always have a great time and the reviews for the food are always brilliant”

We’re heading north to the small village of Edgworth for this week’s pub which lies by the banks of the Wayoh Reservoir.

The Black Bull Inn, Bolton Road, has been run by landlord, Steven Bentley, for more than 15 years with a hefty roster of staff who all love chatting with the hostelry’s host of regulars.

Isabella Candler can often be found behind the bar, The Bolton News caught up with her.

Introduce yourself

My name is Isabella Candler and I’ve been working at the Black Bull Inn for nearly three years.

Do you enjoy the job?

Oh, it’s fantastic.  It’s got a really friendly atmosphere and we’re always really busy because of the great view we have.

The water-side viewThe water-side view (Image: Black Bull Inn)I hear there has been a revamp of late

Yes, up until a few months ago all our food was frozen, people still liked it but it wasn’t homemade or fresh. 

We have recently brought in a new head chef and now everything is cooked fresh, we brought out new menus, deserts, and a big revamp of the decor, all new flooring, did a deep clean.

But the main change was definitely the food, the reviews have been a lot better since. 

The new chef, Jack, has only worked in the kitchen a month or two, but he’s been great.

Which menu item goes down the best with punters?

The cheese and onion pie is really popular, and our baguettes and wraps go down well.

We have a market menu during the week, which is a set price of £13.95 for two courses, and £16.95 for three, it runs from noon to 5pm, everybody has it during the week, it’s a good deal.

Are your customers mainly locals or do they come from further afield?

It’s mostly locals for drinking, but people come from quite a way for the food, we do have the regulars that come on a Sunday though for lunch.

A meal from the well-reviewed menuA meal from the well-reviewed menu (Image: Black Bull Inn) What’s on draught?

  • Carling

  • Birra Moretti

  • San Miguel

  • Peroni

  • Cruzcampo

  • Timothy Taylor’s Landlord

  • Moorhouse’s White witch

  • JW Lees

  • Inch’s cider

  • Strongbow apple

  • Old Mout berries and cherries

  • Guinness

What's the best thing about the pub?

I would definitely say that it's the staff actually, we're a really friendly good group of staff, everyone gets along and we work together really well.

We've got quite a lot of us, 15 of us are on this week's rota, and we all enjoy working here and we all engage with the customers.

Our boss works with us on Sundays which is nice, and we all have good chat with the regulars.