A new boutique in Bolton opened its doors to the public today as it celebrated its grand opening on Blackburn Road.

GG’s Boutique Fashion store was previously operating from a basement under a hairdresser.

The ladies' fashion store, which stocks “statement boutique wear, bags and home decor” is run by owner Gemma Walker, from Egerton, who wants to use her own experiences with mental health to empower other women by giving them the confidence to wear statement clothes.

(Image: Leah Collins)

Although it’s her first time owning a clothing store, Gemma wants GG’s Boutique Fashion to become a “central hub” for women in the community, a place for other women to feel listened to and empowered.

Gemma said: “Before I worked, I was a stay-at-home mum, then I moved on to work at Edgerton Primary School working with children.

“I’ve battled on and off with depression for the past few years and there were times when I really struggled, I didn’t want to get out of bed or put on nice clothes, I couldn't wear skirts. 

(Image: Leah Collins)

“I really lost myself, I would shuffle to the school run in leggings and a dirty shirt, I’d just lost all my self-worth and didn’t know who I was. I didn’t feel like I fit in with the other parents.”

Gemma, who has a child with a learning disability with her husband, Rob, noted how she had “zero confidence” and struggled with her self-image.

She said: “It was like Groundhog Day; I was living the same day repeatedly.

“My mum had ovarian cancer, she died three times and was luckily brought back to us each time.

“Meanwhile my dad was also struggling with his health, it was very mentally draining and I knew I needed to get back to work to take my mind off of things and be more productive.”

(Image: Leah Collins)

She added: “I knew I wanted to work with clothes, but no one knew I was down there [in the basement].

“I began to look at venues in and around the Bolton area so that I could get my own place. It was a huge jump, but I just thought, you only live once and took the plunge.

“Once we secured this place, I went with the name GG’s because my dad loved the horses, and we wanted a part of him with us for the store. I decorated it with pink and made everything girlie and sparkly, it shows my personality.

“Rob helped with the renovations, which only took about two weeks. He’s been my rock throughout all this, he’s the brains behind the business.

“We wanted that ‘wow factor’ for people when they walked in.”

(Image: Leah Collins)

Whilst Gemma is the sole owner of GG’s, her husband Rob, who works as a full-time carer, will also be very hands on in the running of the shop.

He said: “Gemma wasn’t in the best of places mentally; it was one thing after another for our family and it hit her hard because she didn’t feel as though she had anyone to talk to.

“It’s been great to see her bounce back and gain confidence in herself by working on the shop, she’s come in leaps and bounds and says she feels like herself again.

“So many people buy clothes online, half of the time they don’t fit – we wanted to create a social space where people can come in, have a chat and try things on.”

(Image: Leah Collins)

GG’s Boutique Fashion also operates on Facebook, with Gemma adding that she plans to expand the business in the future if all goes well.

She added: “Hopefully if the business goes well, it would be great to expand the team and get some more people working here, we could also do more events.

“Why go to the pub for a night out? We can just have people here!

“I’ve got my mojo back and I want to let people know that anything is possible, there is hope for people and I want my business to play a role in helping other ladies get their sparkle back.”