Concerns have been raised over what has been described as the 'destructive' ploughing of land.

Residents have been left worried what is happening to the green space which once formed  part of Bolton Open Golf Course and is privately owned, which they say has been subject to “intense” ploughing over the past three weeks.

(Image: Jane Wilcox)

Chair of community group, Friends of Longsight Park, Jane Wilcox said: “I’m upset that the landowner has not spoken to the locals about what’s happening here.

“It’s not possible to enter the beautiful meadows any more which once contained lots of beautiful flowers like meadow sweet, willow herbs and spotted orchids.

“It’s now all been ploughed up into deep furrows, resulting in a complete change that has ruined the landscape.

“People enjoyed the wilderness, there’s now nothing left, and the ploughing is destructive to the wildlife.

(Image: Jane Wilcox)

“Although there’s nothing illegal going on from what we can see, as the SBI are untouched, we feel upset that the whole of the North East has lost very beautiful greenery.

“I’ve tried to contact the landowner to discuss this and didn’t get a response. It makes me feel concerned for the impact on wildlife as we don’t know the extent of the work being carried out.”

The owner of the  land, Robin Day, said: “The work being carried out will redefine the path on the public right of way.

(Image: Jane Wilcox)

“We want to encourage people to use the paths so that they don’t trespass on the privately owned land.”

Ward councillor with portfolio for community safety, Jackie Schofield said: “I have also recently been made aware of the ploughing of land adjacent to Longsight Park, this is very disappointing there is a risk that wildlife habitat has been destroyed and some resident fauna and wildflowers have been damaged.

“The problem has been escalated to the Bolton Council's green space officer.”

A spokesperson for Bolton Council said: "The council has been made aware of these activities, which are being carried out on land that is leased to a third party, and is therefore taking legal advice.”