A Bolton MP says she hopes a new law will help victims of all kinds of scandals, including those she has campaigned with for years.

Yasmin Qureshi, MP for Bolton South and Walkden, has long been involved in campaigning for justice for victims of the “Primodos” home pregnancy testing scandal.

She hopes the government’s plans for a “Hillsborough Law”, which will introduce a new duty of candour for public organisations with possible criminal sanctions, will bolster this.

Speaking on Wednesday Ms Qureshi said: “The Prime Minister announced yesterday that Labour will introduce a Hillsborough Law, ensuring a duty of candour for public officials.

“This is excellent news for everyone affected by Primodos and will hopefully shake the culture of secrecy and denial that so many governments have fallen victim to.”

The Primodos home pregnancy test was on the market between 1958 and 1978 and allegedly caused a string of birth defects.

Ms Qureshi has repeatedly advocated for the victims in campaigns and in parliament over the years.

ALSO READ: MP's call for compensation for families said to be affected by Primodos

ALSO READ: Fresh approach for victims 'denied justice for 50 years' demands Bolton MP

The Hillsborough Law is named after the infamous disaster of 1989 that killed 97 Liverpool fans and is aimed at victims get justice.

The law will aim to force public bodies to co-operate with investigations into major disasters or potentially face criminal sanctions.

Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer announced this week that he hopes to see the law introduced before the next anniversary of the disaster on April 15.