Stoptober is back encouraging millions to quit smoking for a month.

This October, people are invited to join 2.5 million inspired to refrain from smoking for 28 days.

Stoptober kicks off on October 1 and runs for 28 days. This makes smokers five times more likely to quit for good, according to University College London (UCL) research.

UCL research also revealed that autumn is a good time to quit.

For those quitting for the first time or who have tried before, Stoptober gives the perfect opportunity to stop smoking.

The campaign, now in its 12th year, provides a variety of support including postal support packs, digital tools, peer support via Facebook, the NHS Quit Smoking app and motivational text messaging. 

Many people try to quit smoking with willpower alone, but Stoptober helps with services to go smoke-free with the right help.

It offers many support options to help smokers who are quitting, but they are encouraged to to consider the cost of different aids, side effects and what worked in the past. 

ABL Health Bolton is the borough's dedicated stop smoking service that is free and can boost chances of quitting for good with12-week quit programmes run by expert advisors.

They provide a range of proven methods for quitting and supply up to 12 weeks of free Nicotine Replacement products.

Stoptober’s NHS site reveals that after two days of avoiding cigarettes, all carbon monoxide is flushed out of the lungs.

Blood circulation improves two weeks after quitting and lung function is increased by 10 per cent after the third month, according to the NHS.