Businesses across Bolton gathered for a glittering award ceremony to celebrate the very best of the town.

The annual Bolton Business Awards were held at the Toughsheet Stadium.

The black-tie event was hosted by presenter Aaron Calvert and opened by Bolton News regional editor Richard Duggan.

Mr Duggan said: "It’s an honour to be here  as editor of The Bolton News and the regional editor for Newsquest North West.

(Image: Simon Dewhurst)

"The event is the highlight of my work calendar. Every year we receive some truly spectacular entries but the judges this year really did have their work cut out for them when it came to putting together a shortlist, let alone selecting a winner for each award.

"It may sound cliche, but every business nominated tonight is a winner - Bolton is home to amazing businesses and you should all be incredibly proud of your achievements.

Cllr Akhtar Zaman, Bolton Council deputy leader, said: "The council is proud to be sponsoring the awards tonight, and to be recognising the contributions of Bolton’s outstanding business community.

"Events like this are an essential reminder of the work our local businesses do to create jobs, to support good causes and to provide the products and services that put Bolton on the map.

"It is common to hear businesses talk about 'social value' and 'partnership working'.

"But it is much rarer to see this backed up by hard work and real action like we do here in Bolton.

"The council here to support all of you.

"These are challenging times, and as the economy changes, I know you are all working hard to adapt to new challenges and a new business environment.

"To assist with this, the council’s new ten-year Economic Growth and Resilience Plan sets out key interventions to support business and investment.

(Image: Simon Dewhurst)

"These include matching skills training to the needs of employers and working with the university to retain more talent here in Bolton.

"We are targeting new growth sectors while also maximising our existing strengths in manufacturing and logistics.

"We are also working to build an environment where businesses can expand and thrive.

"Please come and talk to us about how we can work together towards an exciting future ahead."