Bolton News Camera Club member captured the stunning Northern Lights above Bolton this evening.

Marta Lazdovskaja pictures show the Aurora Borealis lighting up the skies in shades of purple and green.

She posted on the Bolton News Camera Club the  Aurora was captured with a mobile phone  on night mode.

Stargazers across Bolton have been lucky enough the catch a glimpse of the spectacular phenomena on a number of occasions this year.

The Northern Lights were again visible tonight and in other parts of the UK.

The most recent reports of Northern Lights activity came earlier this week.

(Image: Marta Lazdovskaja)

Tonight there is another chance to see what is described as "one of the most spectacular displays in the night sky" according to Met Office forecasts.

The Met Office Space Weather forecast reads: "The auroral oval is likely to become enhanced during the period.

"A coronal mass ejection (CME) is forecast to arrive at Earth Thursday night into Friday.

"Aurora sightings may become visible across Scotland, Northern Ireland and northern England and similar geomagnetic latitudes."

(Image: Marta Lazdovskaja)

According to the Space Weather forecast from the Met Office, the best spots to see the Northern Lights on Thursday night/Friday morning (September 12 and 13) and Friday night/Saturday morning (September 13 and 14).

The Northern Lights are caused by charged particles from the sun hitting gases in the Earth's atmosphere.

The colours occur due to different gases in the Earth's atmosphere being energised by the charged particles.

Nitrogen and oxygen are the two most common gases in the atmosphere, with nitrogen emitting purple, blue and pink colours and oxygen emitting green.