A grassroots plan to shape a village’s future development “would fail”, according to an independent examiner.

The Over Hulton Neighbourhood Plan had aimed to set out a vision for housing, infrastructure and other planning projects for the next 15 years. 

The plan was developed by the Over Hulton Neighbourhood Forum, but independent examiner David Kaiserman has said he does not believe the current plan can succeed.

Mr Kaiserman’s report said: “I have previously made it clear to the Over Hulton Neighbourhood Forum and Bolton Council that I had serious doubts about the ability of the submitted version of the Over Hulton Neighbourhood Plan to meet the ‘basic conditions’ which would enable it to proceed to referendum, and thus to become part of the development plan for the area.

He added: “I am satisfied that, in its present form, the Plan would fail its examination. Under the relevant Regulations, it is open to me to complete my report on that basis.

The boundaries for the plan had already been setThe boundaries for the plan had already been set (Image: Bolton Council)

“However, in order to be of assistance to the forum in particular, I have offered an informal meeting designed to ensure that the reasons for my assessment are fully understood, and to give the forum the opportunity to consider their next steps.

“Such a meeting is not specifically provided for in the relevant regulations, but it is something which falls within the examiner’s discretion.”

If the plan had been accepted, then it would then have been used to help decide on planning applications for Over Hulton after being put forward in a referendum.

The plan would have looked at where homes and businesses could be located and what they should look like, as well as looking at ways to minimise flood risks and carbon footprint.

It would also have given residents the powers to stop what they believe to be “inappropriate developments.

But Mr Kaiserman has said he will present a summary of reasons why he believes the current version of the plan at a public meeting next month.

Participation will be limited to Mr Kaiserman, forum representatives and their planning advisors Troy Planning + Design with Bolton Council representatives.

Over Hulton Neighbourhood Forum chair Diane Parkinson said: “The Forum Committee are disappointed to learn that the Neighbourhood Plan would fail in its present form at the examination stages as outlined in Mr David Kaiserman's letter to the Forum. 

“However, we are pleased the examiner has offered an informal meeting which will give us the opportunity to fully understand the examiner's assessment and will allow us to consider our next steps.”

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She added: “Following this meeting, the Forum hopes that the information gained from the meeting will assist them in producing their modified Neighbourhood Plan reflecting the hopes and aspirations of the Forum, its members and the wider Over Hulton community.”

The public meeting will be held at 10.30am on Tuesday October 15 at the Artillery Suite on the first floor of Bolton Town Hall.

Visitors can report to the One Stop Shop by 10.30am and ask for either Thomas Godley or Andrew Chalmers.

Anyone interested in further details or who wishes to confirm their attendance can email idfconsultation@bolton.gov.uk.