An artist drawn to Bolton's pub is helping to ensure their stories are not lost.

John Unsworth is creating artworks of Bolton's pubs along with a piece about what makes each hostelry so unique.

The 68-year-old, who is semi-retired, has always had a passion for drawing, but did not always get the chance to practice it in working life. 

He said: "I have been in most of those pubs over the years, but it seemed to me they are disappearing at such a rate.

"It would be good if something is retained, otherwise the memory of these places will be lost completely. 

John UnsworthJohn Unsworth (Image: John Unsworth)

"Another thing that intrigued me is there are lots of little stories and anecdotes that come out of these places, and lots of characters. 

"I am trying to commemorate them." 

Having created pictures and prose for 12 pubs, John is planning on turning his efforts into a calendar. 

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He added: "I lived in Bolton for years in my younger days, I lived there, socialised there and I have a lot of family there. 

"I moved out to Adlington, and more recently to Darwen. 

"I did a couple of drawings of pubs and put them out my own Facebook to see if anyone remembered this pub, its background etc." 

Drawing of the Dog and PartridgeDrawing of the Dog and Partridge (Image: John Unsworth)

This comes after a similar project John did for pubs in Adlington. 

He added: "I had the idea to do a project on Adlington then and now, but also with each pub, finding out anecdotes and its history to find out the story and go back over the years. 

"I got research from people, finding out what they know, little stories. 

"I also had the idea to do a calendar, 12 pubs with 12 verses.

"I thought Bolton would be great for this, I was born there, I lived there, I went to school at Thornleigh and I worked in the town hall.  I know a lot of the pubs." 

John added: "I put the feelers out on Bolton Facebook groups, asking if people were interested. I got positive feedback so thought I'll give it a go. 

John's drawing of Ye Olde Man and ScytheJohn's drawing of Ye Olde Man and Scythe (Image: John Unsworth)

"It is a work in progress at the moment, but once it is ready the idea is to do a calendar and get it sent to the printers. 

"I have just finished the tenth drawing. A few of the pubs still exist, but the majority have gone now. 

"I found a brilliant source, the Lost Pubs of Bolton website." 

He added: "I have just drawn the Commercial Hotel which used to be on Victoria Square. 

"There are a lot of pubs in Bolton that have really good little anecdotes. 

"The premise is, it starts with me and my mates in the 1970s when we used to meet in the Albion Inn on Moor Lane, setting off on a pub crawl through town and finishing at the Boar's Head on Churchgate, before we have to run for the last bus."