Campaigning pensioners say cuts to the winter fuel allowance “could not have come at a worse time” for Bolton’s thousands of elderly people.

This comes amid mounting controversy over the newly elected Labour government’s plan to cut winter fuel payments for around 10 million pensioners in England and Wales.

The Bolton and District Pensioners Association has now called on the town’s MPs to oppose the cut, in a vote set to take place on Tuesday.

Association secretary Bernie Gallagher said: “It will come as no surprise that as a pensioner campaign group we are opposed to the withdrawal of the winter fuel allowance this year.

“We note the £22billion 'black hole' in government finances is being used to justify the withdrawal but as activists, we are all aware politics is about choices.

The winter fuel payment will be ending for thousands of pensionersThe winter fuel payment will be ending for thousands of pensioners (Image: PA)

“Universality is unquestionably the most effective and administratively cost-effective route for state benefits to reach those in need. 

“Those higher earners not in need should then repay via the tax system.”

The winter fuel payments were originally designed as a one-off tax-free payment of either £200 or £300 each year to help pensioners pay their energy bills in the colder months.

It has previously been paid to all pensioners in England and Wales, but the new government is now planning to restrict payments only to pensioners who claim certain benefits.

This is expected to cut the number of people receiving the benefit from around 11.4million people every year to just 1.5million, saving the government around £1.4billion a year.

But Mrs Gallagher and the rest of the Bolton Pensioners Association say that an early day motion by Labour MP Neil Duncan-Jordan makes “powerful arguments” to delay the cut.

Mrs Gallagher said: “Our organisation are under no illusion 14 years of Tory mismanagement and cronyism has left the country in a mess. 

“Many of our members voted Labour for ‘change.’ 

“This cavalier announcement without any consultation is not the change we expected.” 

She added: “With the announcement that the energy cap is to rise by 10 per cent this hasty decision could not have come at a worse time for the estimated 39,000 Pensioners in Bolton impacted by the change. 

“I do not need to remind you Bolton is one of the most deprived boroughs in the country. “ 

Mrs Gallagher urged each of Bolton’s MPs to back Mr Duncan-Jones’s early day motion.

At the time of writing none of the borough's MPs have done so. 

Bolton West MP Phil Brickell has said that they are other measures in place to help support pensioners in need.

On Monday, he said: “I will not be able to participate in tomorrow’s vote as I am currently in Berlin on a Parliamentary delegation in relation to Bolton West where I have the opportunity to promote the work of local businesses and discuss shared interests with German Parliamentarians.

“I am committed to retaining the triple lock and I have received assurances from the Chancellor that there will be an increase to the State Pension in the October budget.

ALSO READ: More than 39,000 Bolton pensioners set to lose winter fuel benefit

ALSO READ: Anger mounts at winter fuel payment policy as 450K sign petition

ALSO READ: Bolton pensioners split three ways over housing, election and more as election looms

“Meanwhile, I am aware that around 4000 pensioners in Bolton are entitled to claim Pension Credit but are not doing so.

“They could still be eligible for the Winter Fuel Allowance.

“This could be worth an extra £3900 and tops up a single person’s pension to £218.15 or £322.95 for couple.”

Mr Brickell said that people can search online or call 0800 99 1234 to check if they are eligible.

Bolton North East MP Kirith Entwistle has also said that she hopes other measures will continue to support older people.

She said: "We also know that those with the broadest shoulders should bear the heavier burden.

"That includes cracking down on non-doms, tackling tax avoidance, ending the tax break on private schools, strengthening the powers of the water regulator, and backing tough fines on water companies.

"We are going after those who can afford and should rightly be paying more back into this country.

"This government is absolutely determined to do everything possible to protect the poorest in society.

"We have announced this week that we will extend the Household Support Fund, providing £500m of targeted support for those in the greatest need. People can contact Bolton Council for this assistance."

The vote is set to take place on Tuesday September 10.