A woman's quick thinking helped save the lives of a number of cats when a fire broke out in a house.

On Friday, August 6, emergency services were called to a property on Ainsworth Road, Little Lever.

The semi-detached property suffered substantial damage to its roof following the incident.

It was later confirmed by police that a cannabis farm was present at the house. The fire spread to the roof of the adjoining semi-detached house. 

Liv Vining was popping in to her work at the nearby Tesco superstore when she spotted the fire. 

The fire is believed to have been started by a cannabis farm in the roof of the houseThe fire is believed to have been started by a cannabis farm in the roof of the house (Image: Newsquest)

The 19-year-old said: "I was at Tesco, I have been off sick, but was getting my lunch and speaking to my colleagues. 

"When I set off, I could see some smoke coming from the roof of a house. I rang 999 and a few of my colleagues came running. 

"I drove around because I didn't know the house number. I managed to get into the back garden, I looked in and there were about four or five cats in the conservatory." 

Read more: Cannabis farm found in roof after two house fire

Read more: 'Desperate' young man tragically killed by fire that ripped through cannabis farm

Read more: 'Fire alarms didn't go off' before town centre flats evacuated

Liv ViningLiv Vining (Image: Public)

Liv knocked on the house but could not get the cats out. 

She added: "Luckily the fire service were impeccable, they turned up within five or six minutes, but I was having a full blown meltdown, saying please can you get the animals out of there. 

"The first cat was so scared that it was scratching and biting me, so I put it in my car. But because it was so hot that day, I was scared that it would overheat." 

The community rallied around, however, with carriers being brought down by members of a local cattery and firefighters rescuing four cats from the house. 

Liv added: "The fifth cat was in the house hiding somewhere, I was stood there for an hour and a half, but by the time I left it still hadn't come out. 

"I am not sure if it has been found. It was awful to be in a situation like that, at first when I rang 999 I didn't know who the occupier was. 

Firefighters on sceneFirefighters on scene (Image: Public)

"I had just had an operation, I had my appendix out, so trying to run around wasn't the best." 

The cats are now safe. 

She added: "One firefighter said he is always the cat rescuer. 

"The firefighters, the paramedics and my colleagues, everyone who came down was great." 

On Friday, Greater Manchester Police (GMP) said that the fire is believed to have started from a cannabis farm located in the roof of the property. 

They have been approached for further comment.