A 15-year-old boy  has been warned he might be locked up after he admitted throwing a glass bottle and stealing a policeman’s hat during riots on August 4.

The boy, appeared at Manchester Youth Court on Wednesday, accompanied by his parents, where he admitted the charge of violent disorder and the theft of a £30 hat belonging to Greater Manchester Police.

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The court heard he was one of those taking part in “large scale disorder” in Bolton town centre on August 4, as trouble hit towns and cities across the UK following the stabbing to death of three children in Southport.

The boy, who cannot be identified due to his age, threw a glass bottle at police officers and was part of a mob that surrounded one police officer who had his hat stolen.

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District Judge, Jane Hamilton, told the youngster, who has no previous convictions, that the court only had the power to impose two sentences, either a referral order or time in custody.

Judge Hamilton adjourned sentencing to Tuesday, October 1, for the preparation of a pre-sentence report.

She bailed the boy, warning him: “Obviously this was a large-scale disturbance, that means the court must look at whether you should go to custody.

“I’m not saying you will, but it must look at that option.

“I know this is all very new to you, but it is very serious.”

If you have a story, I cover the whole borough of Bolton. Please get in touch at jack.fifield@newsquest.co.uk.