Road resurfacing work in Little Lever will start two weeks later than planned - following the completion of gas works.

Gas replacement works started in Little Lever, leading to widespread road closures, including on Radcliffe Road.

Starting on September 23, resurfacing and drainage works will get underway on Radcliffe Road - between Lever Bridge Mills and Long Lane.

It will close for a four week period weather permitting.

The junction from Dove Bank Road leading on to Radcliffe Road and Park Road has had long term closures in place for Cadent Gas install a gas main.

The gas installation is unrelated to the maintenance work to be carried out from September 23,

The road was initially set for closure on  September 9.

The site is listed as closed until 7th November on Bolton Council’s website.

Access to properties will be maintained however there will be times during the works when access will be restricted. Residents are also advised to keep vehicles off the roads during this time.  

A spokesperson from Cadent Gas said: "We have been carrying out extensive works along Radcliffe Road, and roads off it, to divert a gas distribution pipe. 

"We are now entering the final phase of that same work. Our new pipe is now in place and we will connect it into our gas distribution network this week (i.e. gas will start flowing through it.

"There will be a few days of tests, before we can then disconnect the old pipe from the network. This ensures an uninterrupted supply of gas to every property."

They added: "Once we’re finished, the local highways authority will move in to complete some planned highways work (road resurfacing), further along Radcliffe Road.

"While these projects were being planned, it was agreed that Cadent would complete its work first and the highways authority would follow on straight after.

"This avoids having two sets of roadworks ongoing in very close proximity, which would have been much more disruptive."

Former Councillor Sean Hornby  said: “It’s going to be an inconvenience and a heck of a lot of time for people to get around the closed road.

“I’m not saying it doesn’t need doing but the council needs to re-think the timings.

"There's been lots of complaints from residents who have to do an extra two-and-a-half mile round trip which is a massive inconvenience. 

"There's a pharmacy on the closed road and people just can't get anywhere near it. 

"I understand the road needs resurfacing, but it's not urgent. They could've left it another month instead of extending the closure even more."