Travellers have moved onto playing fields in Farnworth, the latest site to be occupied by the caravans after a eviction notice was served.

Around half-a-dozen caravans moved on to land off Cawdor Street.

It is not clear if the Travellers are those who were told to move off Crompton Lodges, the permanent Gypsy and Traveller Site in Moses Gate in July.

Last week Travellers evicted from their permanent home in Moses Gate went gone full circle and returned to fields in Breightmet - the first place they went to after being forced out.

They have since moved on.

(Image: NQ Staff)

The Travellers moved on to the Farnworth park on Sunday evening.

READ MORE: Bolton Travellers return to first spot they went to after eviction

Bolton Traveller 'heartbroken' after travellers evicted

 Farnworth North Ward Cllr Sue Haworth says: "It was bank holiday Monday evening when residents found fences broken at Cawdor Street, before you get to the Avenue, and four caravans and three motor vehicles had parked up at the back of Doe Hey Park, near the trees, off Cawdor Avenue.

"The children’s play area is right near the broken fences which is a shame as more children's activities have been going on here this year.

"Travellers may have their grievances and needs, but it’s not fair for local residents.

"We want this area kept clean and tidy for children and families all year round; property damage is crime. "

Cllr Haworth added: "Officers with powers at the Council, have clearly been working hard dealing with illegal encampments for a few weeks now.

"Bolton Council can obtain an eviction notice through the courts and is so doing for Doe Hey Park.

"As there is something of a merry go round of illegal encampments going on in council wards,  I will look into what else could be done to protect our council ward from any more property damage or illegal camps."     

Bolton Council and Greater Manchester Police applied for a closure order of the site in Moses Gate earlier this year.

And last month people were ordered to leave the site where some of them had lived their whole lives.

Farnworth North Councillor Nadeem Ayub said: "We have started the eviction process with serving the Section 77, as this is an unauthorised encampment on Cawdor Street."

Some left the site and went to live elsewhere but a large number have vowed to stay in Bolton.

In the intervening time they have been to other sites in the area in Breightmet, Darcy Lever and Little Lever.

The Travellers had previously insisted they would stay in Bolton and planned to keep their children in school.

They are also appealing the eviction notice.

If Travellers are on council land, the local authority will carry out a welfare check before starting the legal eviction process.

Concerns have previously been raised that Travellers will keep moving from area to area until the eviction notice expires.