Bolton residents are being urged to help shape the future of the NHS to best service them.

Every day, NHS in Greater Manchester serves thousands of people through various health professionals, providing excellent care.

However, it hasn't been without challenges.

Increases in waiting lists, problems accessing certain services, and confusion about where to seek help are common concerns for many.

The NHS is eager to learn what the people of this area think is working well and what could be improved.

The views and experiences will be crucial to enhance the care provided and improve health outcomes.

NHS Greater Manchester is conducting a public engagement exercise called, ‘An NHS Fit for the Future’, inviting everyone to share their views.

This programme will run until the autumn.

Manchester will host the first face-to-face event on September 12, from 1.30pm to 4pm, with an online Microsoft Teams event slated for September 25, from 6pm to 7.30pm.

This aims to afford a platform for stakeholders and communities to understand the challenges the NHS is grappling with.

Mark Fisher, chief executive of NHS Greater Manchester, said: "We know how much the NHS means to people and that day in day out, people rely on its many services and receive great care.

"However, we know that we aren’t getting everything right, so we want to hear from people living in Greater Manchester on what matters to them and what they feel they need from their health service."

He added: "We’ll be running a series of face-to-face and online events across Greater Manchester which we’ll advertise on our website, social media channels and through other organisations.

"We’d encourage people to get involved and have their say and share details with their local communities so we can ensure as many people as possible get to have their say."

Information about the ‘Fit for the Future’ programme can be found on NHS Greater Manchester’s website.