Sharples School Class of 2024 have a lot to be proud of after a brilliant set of results.

Headteacher Caroline Molyneux said: "We are delighted with the excellent GCSE and Vocational examination results achieved by the Class of 2024. The success seen, is the culmination of the hard work and absolute resilience embodied by our students over their time with us, and the endless support given to them by our staff.

Ayesha Mohmed, Sana Gija, Zakkiyah Munshi, Ayesha Vepari 

"Many of our students have achieved in line with, or well above their targets, and this takes consistent hard work and commitment from our staff, students and families. We are delighted to see so many being awarded the grades that will allow them to move on to Post-16 Pathways of their choice.

"We wish all our students the very best of luck as they take the next step on their journey, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their excellent contribution to the Sharples learning community over the last five years. Team Sharples!"

Sharples School headline results are 79 per cent achieved five or more 4 -9 grades including English and maths and 66 per cent achieving the benchmark at 5-9 grades.