Students at Turton School are aiming high after picking up their GCSE grades this morning.

The teenagers gathered at Turton buzzing with excitement and were accompanied by eagerly awaiting friends, family and teaching staff.

Alice Brierley achieved ten 9s, one eight and an A* grade in her Level 2 Higher Project Qualification.

She said: “It was really a shock to do so well, especially in maths, which was a subject that I was worried about.

“I surprisingly did well in French and achieved really high marks in my speaking exam, which I am really chuffed about”

Alice hopes to stay on at Turton Sixth Form College to do her A-levels in geography, environmental science and English literature.

(Image: NQ)

She said: “I would love a career in international relations so I’m looking at going to university to study that at the moment.

“I’ve learned not to underestimate myself, I doubted myself and I really shouldn’t have as it’s worked out amazingly.”

Jess Jepson achieved seven nines, two 8, one 7 and one 6 in her GCSE exams.

She hopes to stay on at Turton Sixth Form to complete A-levels.

Jess said: “I’ve done so much better than I imagined, I can’t believe it and I’ve been shaking with happiness all morning.

“The maths exam was really difficult and I left the exam worried so I feel really relieved to have done well in this subject.

“I am looking to do A-levels in French, English literature, psychology and I’m still deciding between history and geography.

(Image: NQ)

“Hopefully I will be able to pursue a career in human rights after A-levels and am looking at either going to university or doing a degree apprenticeship.

“If I could go back and give myself some advice it would be to start sooner and also to make the most of Year 11.”

Elijah Rowley achieved five 9s, one 8 and four 7s in his exams and hopes to stay on at Turton to do his A-levels in geography, environmental science and English language.


(Image: NQ)

He said: “I’m glad that I’ve done really well as I was nervous, especially for my science grades.

“I’m hoping to do A-levels at Turton and get a career in palaeontology or go into the music industry but I’m still deciding.

“My advice to anyone doing their exams would be to keep relaxed, stay focused and get lots of good sleep!”

Headteacher Samantha Gorse said: "Congratulations to all Turton students on an impressive set of GCSE results.

"We are very proud of our students high performance this year. Not only have
students achieved highly due to their hard work and commitment to their studies.

"They have also shown themselves to be wonderful people ready to step into the next
stage of their education. We couldn’t be prouder of our students and look forward to
welcoming many into the 6th form.

"We wish everyone all the best for their future and know that whatever path they
follow, they will make the most of their talents and personalities."