It’s 9s across the board for one inspiring Canon Slade pupil, who achieved top grades across all ten of her GCSE subjects.

Freya Neild achieved grade 9s in all her exams, the highest grade possible for GCSE students.

She said: “I keep crying because I can’t believe it. The hard work has finally paid off.

“I was most worried about receiving my maths grade this morning as I have never got a nine in maths before, so I’m really shocked to have achieved such a good grade.

“I truly did never stop revising and worked really hard for the entire year. At times it was difficult but I knew I had to keep going to get the grades I wanted.

Freya hopes to stay on at Canon Slade School to complete her A-levels in English literature, history, geology and politics.

“I’m unsure what I want to do as a career at the moment, although I would like to go to university after my A-levels.”

She added: “If I could give advice to anyone in my position it would be to never give up and don’t worry about what other people are telling you.

“You are good enough and you can do it”