Determination and hard work paid off for young people at St Joseph's RC School in Horwich.

The school's highest performer achieved 11 GCSEs; 8 grade 9s 2 grade 7s and a grade 6 and we celebrate the numerous other students achieving all of their GCSEs at the top three grades.

The school also congratulated those who have made noteworthy progress during their time at the school ­— a third of all pupils made on average progress of more than half a grade in excess of their target in every subject.

The headline results were young people achieving grade 4 or above in English and maths was 73 per cent.

Students achieving grade 5 or above in English and maths was 53 per cent.

Headteacher Tony McCabe said:“Today is a day to celebrate as so many young people achieved beyond their wildest dreams.

"We are delighted to celebrate the achievements of our young people, many of those who have coped with personal challenges and overcome so many setbacks to reach their goals. These young people deserve special commendation today.

“Each young person has their own story to tell about the journey they have travelled and I am particularly impressed to see so many young people overcome their additional needs and those who joined our school with very little English making such good progress and being equipped to be the game changers in our world.”

Mr McCabe continued “As educators it is our special privilege to be part of each child’s life and seeing the smiles on the faces of those hopeful individuals reminds us why we get up each morning. We pay tribute to the staff who journeyed alongside our young people.”

“We know that being a parent or carer in the modern world is a harder task than ever before and we thank the supportive parents and carers who worked with us to help the young people overcome the hurdles of life and achieve at their best”