Young people at Canon Slade are aiming for the stars after picking up their GCSE results.

Excited students gathered inside school hall to celebrate their marks alongside their families, friends and members of staff.

Many of the students receiving their grades were in Year 7 when schools closed due to the pandemic.

Emma Cotterall achieved five 8s and five 9s and hopes to stay at Canon Slade to complete A-levels in maths, biology and chemistry.

Emma said: “I’m so happy and relieved to receive my results. I was especially worried about maths because I thought I’d messed up in the exam because of how difficult it was.

“Being in school during the pandemic was difficult and it had a big impact on lots of students. There were times when it felt quite scary and uncertain about the future.

READ MORE: A-level students at Canon Slade gain incredible scores

“Although lockdown was useful in some ways, as I was able to crack down and get lots of work done during that time.

(Image: Leah Collins, NQ)

“I hope to go to university after A-levels and get a career involving science, like being a vet or to do with biochemistry but I’m still deciding at the moment.

“If I could give any advice it would be to ignore what anyone says – you can do it and get the grades you want”

Ben Charlesworth received five 9s, three 8s, one 6 and one 7. He also achieved a D* (distinction) in his BTEC sports course.

He hopes to go on to study A-levels at Canon Slade in maths, biology, geography and physics.

Ben said: “I wasn’t expecting to do as well as I did, so it was a really pleasant surprise opening the envelope this morning.

“I’ve worked really hard for these grades. Everyone around me has been so supportive, especially the teachers at school.

(Image: Leah Collins, NQ)

“The teachers helped me with revision techniques which have been so helpful.”

“I would like to pursue a career involving science, perhaps something like engineering or environmental science.

“I’m also still deciding between doing a degree apprenticeship and going to university”.

Canon Slade headteacher Karen Sudworth said: " We are immensely proud of the outstanding achievements of our Year 11 students at Canon Slade School.

“Despite the significant challenges posed by the lingering effects of the

pandemic, their GCSE results today reflect the hard work and dedication they have shown over the past five years.

“These grades are not only a testament to their perseverance but also serve as a crucial stepping stone toward their future aspirations.”

Mrs Sudworth added: “We are deeply grateful for the unwavering support of our parents and carers, as well as the relentless efforts of our staff during what has been another contextually challenging year.

“Their enthusiasm and commitment to helping students reach their full potential have been instrumental in producing our headline results of 63 per cent achieving grade 5s and 84 per cent achieving grade 4s in both English and maths.”