Emergency services were called to Bolton town centre after reports of a “gas leak” this morning.

Two fire engines from Bolton were called to Corporation Street at around 8:10am today, (Wednesday) along with Cadent Gas engineers.

The crews and engineers dealt with the incident in just over an hour.

They were seen going in Sanshan rice & noodle bar.

But the person in the eatery declined to comment when approached by The Bolton News.

A spokesperson for Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service said: "The gas leak occurred because of a faulty connector on a gas bottle that was being used for a portable cooker. 

"The area is safe now."

A spokesman for Cadent Gas, the building’s gas distribution company, said: "We were called to Corporation Street in Bolton this morning following a report of a smell of gas.

(Image: Newsquest)

“Engineers have attended a property with the fire service, and provided advice to the resident about gas safety.

“We would like to remind everyone that if they ever suspect a gas leak then they should call the Gas Emergency number on 0800 111 999*. The number operates 24/7 and is free to call."

It is understood that the portable cooker has been replaced by two hot plates. 

The gas engineer also checked for carbon monoxide leak in the area, but readings came back clear.

This is the second time that a gas leak has been reported on Corporation Street after one was dealt with on the weekend. 

That time a cordon was put in place with firefighters, police and paramedics were all called to Corporation Street at around 10.30am.

An area was taped off and Cadent Gas engineers were also called to deal with the incident, which was dealt with after just over an hour.

Corporation Street is in a busy section of Bolton town centre next to the Market Place shopping centre.