Dog owners should not have to be told  - but after repeated complaints about dog fouling the message has been stamped on the ground.

Bolton Council has stencilled distinctive reminders to pet owners to  “Pick It Up Take It Home” on the entrances of Back St Anne's Road, Brownlow Road and Ansdell Road in Horwich within the last week.

Residents had reported people continually leaving dog poo on the roads rather than bagging and putting it in the bin.

Cllr Victoria Rigby, who represents Horwich North, said: “I'm aware that there has been an issue in the area for quite some time.

“With them being back streets, there is very little monitoring can be done and the problem has become steadily worse. 

“Dog fouling is becoming an increasing problem in the area and across Bolton as a whole.

“Earlier this year, it became so bad on Claypool Road (also in Horwich) that a firm came out to power wash the pavements free of charge as it was on the main route to Claypool Primary School.

“In an attempt to reduce the problem here, I arranged for a community bin to be installed and dog stencils painted on the footpath.

“I hope to also get a bag dispenser installed but this is still in discussions. 

“I'm hoping the stencils will remind dog owners of their responsibility when taking their dogs for a walk and to hopefully keep the area cleaner.

“The area in Claypool has improved over the last few weeks since the installation of the bin and stencils so hopefully we will see the same for Brownlow Road.”

Cllr Stephen Chadwick, who represents Horwich Town Council’s Lever Park Ward, said: “I live in the area and a couple of residents mentioned issues in some of the back streets.

“There’s been a fair amount of dog fouling and there’s other back streets where it’s an issue as well.

“While he was still on Bolton Council, Cllr Craig Rotherham advised me that there was a scheme that we could put no dog fouling signs in high problem areas.

“I followed up with Cllr Rigby in Bolton Council and liaised with Neighbourhood Services who’ve been quite helpful in this regard.

“Hopefully we’ll see a reduction in dog fouling.”

There have been over 1,107 complaints about dog poo in the borough since 2021.

This year, Bolton Council has received 167 complaints by mid-May.

The Council’s website says those who do not pick up their dog’s poo can be prosecuted at the magistrates court and fined up to £1,000.

But, 23 fines have been issued since 2021, at a value of £2,010.