A Bolton man stalked his wife after they had separated and continued to do so after a court ordered him to stay away from her, claiming "you do stupid things in love".

Bolton Crown Court heard Muhammad Jatoi met his wife through an arranged marriage and she came to the country from Pakistan in 2022.

But after their relationship broke down Jatoi refused to accept this and sent her unwanted messages and turned up at her work repeatedly.

He stalked her for the first time between June and October last year. During this time she had moved to Bury.

He sent her threatening messages on social media and turned up at her place of work.

In June last year she had agreed to meet him but he followed her to her work.

When she asked what he was doing he said he was “sightseeing and waiting for a lift".

In September 2023 he rang her work and when she answered asked to speak to her manager.

He then asked how she was in Urdu before she hung up and he rang back nine times.

The same month she was working in Bolton and he followed her.

He also sent unwanted messages on Instagram and by email during this period.

In September last year the woman obtained a non-molestation order against Jatoi.

He was also placed on bail by the court and ordered to stay away from his wife.

But between December last year and May this year he repeatedly breached this and continued to stalk the woman.

During this time the woman had to change her address twice.

She attempted to get a divorce but he said he would only allow this if she removed the non-molestation order.

He also sent threatening emails during this time.

Olivia Brooksbank-Laing, prosecuting, read a victim impact statement from the woman.

It said: “I feel scared I feel like I have to look over my shoulder.

“Even though I have a court order he is still stalking me.

“I feel like he is going to hurt me.

“He has degraded me.”

(Image: GMP)

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Jatoi, 24, of Leonard Street, Great Lever, appeared in court to be sentenced after admitting two counts of stalking and breaching of a non-molestation order.

Alex Beevers, defending, said the probation service said they could work with Jatoi and said prisons were overcrowded.

He added: “He was 20-year-old when they got married, it was an arranged marriage, she came over from Pakistan.

“His offending was caused by three things, firstly him being unable to cope with the break down of his only relationship, secondly his lack of appreciation of how damaging his behaviour can be, thirdly him being unable to deal with issues such as break ups with respect.”

 But Judge Elliot Knopf said Jatoi had to be given a prison sentence.

He said: “You made this woman’s life a nightmare.

“You would not let go.

“This was abusive behaviour in the extreme.

“You threatened her, you went to her home, you went to her work, you pursued her in the workplace, you found her new address, you sent threatening emails.

“In the pre-sentence report you attempt to minimise this by saying you do stupid things in life.

“She did not want anything more to do with you.

“There are certain offences where only a custodial sentence can be justified.”

He sentenced him to two years and nine months.