A school's sixth form’s “distinctive” tuition boasts A-level results that open doors for students.

Students in University Collegiate School have received their A-level and BTEC results today.

The school has “given them access to a technical education that they might not otherwise be able to access”, according to Ben Bramwell, the school’s deputy headteacher.

Students like Mariam Farid, who sat biology A-levels in one year after studying two years of a BTEC course.

Mariam said: “I got a B in my biology A-levels, which is exactly what I needed.

“I did better than I expected.

“It was a long and stressful journey, but I’m happy because I put in a lot of effort and I’m glad to see it paid off and I got what I needed to get into university.

She is planning to study optometry at the University of Huddersfield.

She said: “I’m so excited. It’s been three long years at college and I wanted to achieve what I hoped for.”  

Abi HullAbi Hull (Image: Newsquest)

Abi Hull, who completed a BTEC in Health and Social Care, as also received results with distinction. She got two D* and a D (Distinction)

She said: "I'm very happy with my grade. It was hard work, 10 hours at the dining room table getting my coursework done, but it's paid off."

During her years in college, she had the opportunity to work with Lewis Ellis, an entrepreneur and marketer featured on The Apprentice.

She plans to pursue marketing after university. 

Mr Bramwell said: “The UCS is extremely proud of the hard work of our young people and all the staff who have supported them to achieve their results.

“There have been some outstanding individual performances with students achieving A grades in physics, chemistry, maths and psychology A-Level and Distinction * in vocational subjects such as Applied Science and Health and Social care extended diploma.

“This prepares them well for further study and life in the workplace. Students from the UCS are now starting the next stage of their adventures in subject areas such as computer ccience, software engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, biomedical sciences and psychology.

Ben Bramwell, Deputy Headteacher; Reagan Rowson, Head of Sixth FormBen Bramwell, Deputy Headteacher; Reagan Rowson, Head of Sixth Form (Image: Newsquest)

“It is an exciting time for these young people and we are confident that the foundational knowledge and skills that they have learnt at the UCS will allow them to be successful at University and beyond.

“The UCS will not be resting on its laurels however, and our new cohort of Year 12 students will be the first that have the opportunity to learn on our new T-Levels of Dental nursing and adult nursing where they will have real-life, on the job experience with our partner employers combined with the best academic knowledge taught by our highly trained staff.

“It is an exciting time to study at the University Collegiate School.”