Anisha Mohammed is one of The Sixth Form Bolton’s highflyers.

For her A-levels, she received two A* in history and politics, and an A in maths.

She has been admitted to the University of Oxford.

Anisha said: “Exams were very hard, but I was supported a lot through them.

“Maths messed me up at first, but with the support of teachers and my friends, I managed to get through it.”

Anisha Mohammed and Principal Stuart MerrillsAnisha Mohammed and Principal Stuart Merrills (Image: The Sixth Form Bolton)

And after all that hard work, her family is thrilled with her performance.

She said: “My parents were very proud. I was at home when I checked the results because I wanted to check UCAS first and they got to be there.

“I’m not really ready to go to Oxford, but I’m hoping to prepare. I have a month and a half.”

And she has big dreams of a political career.

(Image: Newsquest)

She said: “I’m going to study Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE). I want to go into politics and PPE is the right degree for that.

“I’m not really 100 per cent certain what area. I’m hoping to work it out in university. Maybe in the public sector.”

Anisha is one of the excellent students at the The Sixth Form Bolton which boasts an overall 98 per cent pass rate for A-levels this year, with 72 per cent of all subjects achieving a 100 per cent pass rate.

And 98 per cent of BTEC Extended Diploma students have achieved higher-grade passes.