It’s been a difficult few weeks for many of us in Bolton. We’ve seen conflict on our streets but thankfully avoided the scenes of violence and aggression that other towns were subjected to.

It was the sense of uncertainty that stood out. I talked to parents scared to be seen in public in case their children were confronted with racist abuse, and business owners worried that when they closed the shop for the night it might not be there the next day. Nobody should have to live with these fears in Bolton. Nobody should feel too scared to walk down their streets. This is our home.

Our police officers did an exceptional job keeping everyone safe and keeping the violence at bay and I will forever be grateful to them. I’m immensely proud of people all across our town and communities who showed leadership and helped to keep people safe and calm through the fear and tension. Homeless aid and Urban Outreach continued their good work, despite the unrest, and Bolton Council of Mosques were working hard behind the scenes providing support and working alongside the police.

Our Labour government will always back decent people who want to get on with their lives as part of a respectful society. We will not tolerate criminals who want to tear us apart. I’m pleased that our Prime Minister, Keir Starmer, took a clear stance against the violence and ensured the police and justice system had the powers and support needed to take rapid action against offenders.

At times like these it can be easy to focus on the negative, particularly in online spaces where everything seems to be designed to make people angry, but that is not representative of Bolton.

The conversations that will stay with me are from those people who rushed forwards to offer help. Our town was braced ready to support people through whatever might happen. Our charities, businesses, community groups, religious groups, sports clubs, our council and even individuals wanted to be there if their help was needed. People from all kinds of backgrounds standing together to make our community stronger. While a small minority think they can intimidate, the instinct of Bolton is to build something better.

I want us to hold on to that sense of solidarity. We face real challenges but we can overcome them when we come together as a community. Do not live in fear, live with hope, because the Bolton family have your back whatever happens. We must continue with our everyday lives and show people the diverse and welcoming community we truly are.

I will continue to provide support to those who need it, and will always ensure I am working with our communities and police force to keep our town safe. Our strength lies in unity and we must never forget that.