People were awoken in the early hours after fireworks were set off.

Now a councillor is warning those responsible that action can be taken if fireworks are set off at certain hours.

Cllr Sue Haworth said residents of Springfield Road, Broadway and Kingsland Road on the Andrews Estate were woken by lound bangs at around 1.30am on Monday.

Fireworks were again set off at 4pm the same day. 

She said that residents are  getting in touch with the authorities, and are dreading more problem nights ahead.

Some residents are said to have contacted the council, some the local police and some local councillors.

Cllr Haworth said that there is concern that the fireworks are industrial size fireworks and therefore a risk to public and animal health.     

The Farnworth North councillor said: “I’ve been hearing from residents who say their dogs tremble with fear at the fireworks and the methods they use to calm them for Bonfire Night with cosy blankets and comforters won’t work in the warm weather at all.

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"It’s clear residents are ringing up stressed about mostly their cats and dogs while the loud fireworks are going off in the summer.

"Clearly residents are woken from their sleep if other people in close by houses are up and choose to set fireworks off at random times in the night.

"Residents with pets can’t easily just put earplugs in and try and go back to sleep. They can be up some time looking after their pets.” 

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(Image: Google)
She added: “It is certainly antisocial behaviour they are facing day and night with random loud fireworks for half hours and hour sessions.

"GMP have shared the law on social media.

"Those using fireworks between 11am and 7am are mostly breaking the law, there’s some variance for just a few days a year, and can face both fines of up to £5,000 and also prison sentences.

"I am also the Executive Member for Regulatory Services at the council.

"I will have us step up on working with partners on these ASB fireworks issues in neighbourhoods.

"If people can’t get a decent night’s sleep for work or study the next day, sorry we’re not having that in this borough.

"It is time offenders faced the law now and this will be considered more for actions by the council and partners.”