An application to convert a former Conservative Club into a religious school was approved by the council.

The MA Mission Learning Centre applied for planning permission for Halliwell Conservative Club this year.

At the moment the applicant is a few doors down on Halliwell Road at the Masjid Ahl Al Sunnah but, according to the applicant, there is not sufficient space for this use and for its typical use as a place of prayer.

The application is to convert the former Conservative Club, which closed over the course of the coronavirus crisis, into a religious school with boarding rooms in the basement and classrooms across three floors.

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The application said: "The change of use to the property will bring back life and purpose to the property.

"We trust members of the council and officers of the council will acknowledge the opportunities and will approve planning permission for the proposal."

The MA Mission Learning Centre applied for planning permission for a similar scheme as recently as last year but it said this scheme was more viable.

There was little opposition from residents or their representatives at the town hall over the course of a consultation and it was approved by the council.

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A report said: "The extension and external works will improve the character and appearance of the building whilst providing a space which can be utilised by the community and bringing a building back into use.

"Overall, it is considered the works works are in keeping with the character and appearance of the building and the street scene. Overall, subject to conditions, the proposals are considered to accord with the policies of the Development Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework."

Built in the 1880s, the former Conservative Club closed over the course of the coronavirus crisis.

According to the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) website it was bought for £275,786 in 2022.

This article was written by Jack Tooth. To contact him, email or follow @JTRTooth on Twitter.