Police have seized a car suspected to be stolen over a year ago in Breightmet yesterday.

Bolton North Police removed the stolen car from Foster Lane  after receiving a report from a member of the public.

Checks found that it had been missing since last November.

Bolton North Police are conducting further forensic examination.

Greater Manchester Police have advised on ways people can be vigilant and prevent their car from Officers being stolen.

Luke Jackson, GMP stolen vehicle examiner, said: “It goes without saying, make sure nothing is in view when leaving your car – criminals can see what’s inside and will find a way to break in if they really want the contents or even the vehicle itself.

“Never leave keys in a car either, even if you are only going out for a short while. With keyless vehicles, one of the best things you can do is buy a Faraday pouch, which can be bought online for a small cost.

He said: “Steering locks are a huge visible deterrent. Criminals will often take a look at it and walk away because of the time and effort it takes to get it off. Most thefts of vehicles are quick and can be done in seconds so anything to reduce how fast they can steal will help.

“Thefts of number plates is also common as they’re often swapped by criminals after they’ve stolen a car. Number plates can be secured on properly which can be done by using anti-theft screws.

“If you have a garage, please use it for your car as less than one per cent of stolen vehicles are taken from a garage.”