A business in Bolton has taken a unique step to combat the problem of flytipping – and is open to repeating the trick elsewhere.

Staff at Adil Electronics have set up security cameras on a hotspot near where they are based.

Director Adil Patel lives near the backstreet on St Helens Road which has been plagued by the area.

And since setting up CCTV cameras they have made numerous referrals to the council and they say as a result several enforcement notices have been given out to offenders.

(Image: NQ)

The area on back St Helens Road has also had antisocial behaviour and drug dealing.

Mr Patel said: “We have set it up with our own money. We have spent around £2,600 on it.

“We want to live and work in a clean area.

(Image: NQ)

“We are open to setting this up for other people in different areas.

“If there is a street and everyone contributes £50 to £100 then it can be sorted.

“We have used the top software so the cameras catch people and their registration plates.

“We have a Whatsapp group, people can let us know if there has been fly-tipping  and we can look at the cameras.

“We set it up three or four weeks ago, there have been about five of six incidents of fly-tipping in that time and we have managed to get four enforcements handed out.”

(Image: NQ)

Read more: Bolton had record number of fly tips

Read more: Bolton man prosecuted for fly tips

Read more: Fly tipping fines rise in Bolton

The move has been supported by ward councillor Ayyub Patel.

He said: “Bolton Council has identified some of the culprits and then provided penalties.

“This is a good example of businesses and the community working together.”

Earlier this year Bolton Council increased the fines given for flytipping.

These went up from £400 to £600 and the fine for littering has gone from £150 to £300.