An 80-year-old woman who was mugged at a supermarket in Bolton has said she has a "constant reminders and flashbacks" and her life has been changed by the "horrific crime".

Shane Allen targeted Sylvia Conway at the Morrisons on Mornington Road, Heaton, in June this year.

At around 9pm she was violently mugged by Allen.

Bolton Crown Court heard he followed her after she had withdrawn money, grabbed her from behind and forced her to the ground.

She said "Please do not take my bag" but he proceeded to grab it and run off.

Ms Conway, who suffered a heart attack a few years ago, attempted to run after him but then stopped as her heart was pounding.

(Image: GMP)

She sustained bruising as a result of the incident.

Katy Laverty, prosecuting, read a victim impact statement which showed the significant impact of the incident on the woman.

It said: "This incident has completely changed my life.

"I have been the victim of a horrific crime.

"I no longer feel safe leaving my home address where I have been living for nine years following the death of my husband.

"I want this to be over so I can get on with my life.

"I am having constant reminders and flashbacks."

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Allen, 33, of Withington Road, Manchester, appeared in court to be sentenced after admitting one count of robbery.

Thomas Worsefold, defending, said: "He has entered a guilty plea.

"He accepts it is going to be a custodial sentence.

"This was a mindless incident of violence.

"It is exceptionally concerning behaviour.

"He described intoxication as the reason of this offence.

"He has written a letter to Ms Conway and to the judge."

Judge Abigail Hudson said: "You have changed her life as she has been left depressed and suffering flashbacks.

"I have read your letter to her and it does you credit.

"She has clearly been damaged by you."

Judge Hudson jailed him for three years and four months.

PC Green, of the Bolton Neighbourhood Crime Team, said: “Allen’s callous actions resulted in the bag, £30 in cash, a bank card and a loyalty card being robbed from a pensioner.

“The victim remains extremely shook up with regards to what has happened and the injuries she suffered at the hands of Allen.

“This petty act of robbing a vulnerable woman has rightly been reflected in today’s sentence and we hope that it provides the victim with some reassurance going forward.”